Saturday, September 4, 2010


For the past week, the FIBA world championships are playing and Uros and I have tried watching as many games as we can. Ofcourse we cheer hard for Serbia! Serbia has made it to the top 16 teams two days ago and this morning they played Croatia in a win/stay, lose/go home fight. With one second left in the game, the two teams were tied and Serbia got fouled! Shooting foul shots put us up one and with the win by one! We are now going to the top 8.

It is so fun to watch Uros scream and get excited for his team! He makes me smile when he starts freaking out. We really hope to watch Serbia and USA play eachother in the finals.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are having a great time.
    This remains me about some previous games:
    ‎"From this we have learned that it is playing until the end, and they have learned for sure" Dule Vujošević
